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The Eagles play in Kokaido Hall, Nagoya, Japan, Asia.
Carole King is surprised when David Crosby and Graham Nash join her on stage in San Francisco, California, USA, during a show on her 34th birthday. Her four-year old daughter Molly Larkey is heard yelling out "Happy Birthday, Mommy" from the audience.
Black Sabbath play at The Municipal Auditorium, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
David Bowie's Station To Station tour plays the second of three non-consecutive nights in Inglewood Forum, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Easy listening music bandleader and composer Percy Faith dies of cancer, aged 76, in Encino, California, USA.
Laura Nyro releases her first album in three years, Smile, in the USA.
The musical Your Arms Too Short To Box With God is presented at The Lyceum Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will run on Broadway for 429 performances. The musical is based on the Biblical Book of Matthew.