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B.B.King plays at the Caf
Frank Sinatra records You Make Me Feel So Young, Memories Of You and other tracks in KHJ Studios, Los Angeles, California.
Blues guitar virtuoso B.B. King plays at the Cafe Royal, Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA.
Frank Sinatra records You Make Me Feel So Young, Memories Of You and other tracks in KHJ Studios, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Little Jimmy Dickens records Raisin' The Dickens and Red Wing at Music City Recording, Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
B.B. King plays at The Cafe Royale, Lake Charles, Louisiana, USA, supported by Ike And Tina Turner. Tickets in advance cost $1.50, or $2.00 on the door)
Spade Cooley releases a new single, No Need To Cry Any More, on Decca Records in the USA.
Robert B. Rivkin is born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. He will find success as drummer and record producer Bobby Z, best known as a member of Prince's band.