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Lissie plays at Union Chapel, Islington, London, England, UK, Europe.
The Eagles Of Death Metal return to lay memorial wreaths outside The Bataclan theatre in Paris, France, Europe, following the terrorist attack at which ninety fans were killed.
On their Paper Gods tour, Duran Duran play at The O2 Arena, London, England, UK.
On their Rock Or Bust tour, AC/DC play the second of two nights at Etihad Stadium, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Oceania.
Forbes Magazine's Annual Rich List shows Katy Perry as the year's most financially successful musician, with estimated earnings of $135m. One Direction are second with $130m, followed by Garth Brooks with $90m, Taylor Swift with $80m and The Eagles with $73.5m.
On her 1989 World Tour, Taylor Swift plays the second of two nights at Adelaide Entertainment Centre, Adelaide, Australia, Oceania, supported by Vance Joy.