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The Steven Sondheim musical Gypsy, starring Ethel Merman, is performed on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 702 performances.
The musical Irma La Douce is running at The Plymouth Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It runs at The Plymouth for more than a year before transferring to The Alvin Theatre.
Shirley Bassey is playing during a summer season at The Opera House, Blackpool, England, UK, Europe.
Eddie Condon's All Stars are playing during a two-month engagement at Condon's, East 56th Street, New York City, USA.
Peggy Lee is playing during three weeks of shows at The Pigalle Club, London, England, UK, Europe.
UK pop hitmaker Anthony Newley is playing in a one-man show, Stop The World I Want To Get Off, at Queen's Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, which runs for 485 performances.
Lonnie Donegan, Miki And Griff, Suzie Miller, The Dallas Boys, Gil And Freddie Levedo, The Tiller Girls and Norman Vaughan are appearing in Putting On The Donegan at The Winter Gardens Pavilion, Blackpool, England, UK, Europe.
Gene McDaniels is playing at New Fack's nightclub, San Francisco, California, USA.
Joanie Sommers is playing at Eddy's Bar And Grill, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
Doc Bagby and his combo are playing during a week of shows at The Hurricane Room, Wildwood, New Jersey, USA.
Actor and singer John Raitt is playing during a two-week engagement at The Princess Theatre, Melbourne, Australia, Oceania.
Betty Johnson is playing at The Holiday House, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Chris Spedding, later to become a noted rock guitarist, starts work in the Clifford Essex music shop in the West End of London, England, UK, Europe.
Richard Ream is born in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, USA. He will find success as Rikki Rockett, drummer of heavy metal glamsters Poison.
Aretha Franklin plays the nineteenth night in a three week season at The Village Gate, Greenwich Village, New York City, USA.
Elvis Presley continues with location filming for his latest movie, Follow That Dream, in Crystal River, Florida, USA.
The Beatles play at The Cavern Club, Liverpool, England, UK, Europe.
Elvis Presley releases a new single, [Marie's The Name Of] His Latest Flame, in the USA on RCA Records.
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Ricky Valance plays a gig in Hoylake, Wirral, Merseyside, England, UK, Europe.
Connie Francis spends the first of two days recording tracks for the MGM Records LP Connie Francis Sings Folk Song Favorites, at Bradley Film And Recording in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Ray Peterson appears on daily tv pop show American Bandstand, recorded at W-Fil Studio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, performing Missing You.
Gene Vincent plays at The Town Hall, Airdrie, Scotland, UK, Europe.
Duane Eddy plays the fifth night of a week at The Beachcomber Bar, Wildwood, New Jersey, USA.
Brook Benton plays the twenty-eighth night in a month of gigs at Robert's Show Bar, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Barbra Streisand plays the twenty-third of twenty-seven nights at The Caucus Club, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Paul Anka continues with a week-long engagement at The Manor Hotel, Wildwood, New Jersey, USA.
Paul Jackson, bassist with 80s hitmakers T'Pau, is born in Telford, England, UK, Europe.
The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.