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It is reported that Madonna has applied to close the seas around the island of Jatkasaari, Helsinki, Finland, Europe. She has a gig on her Sticky And Sweet world tour planned to take place on the island in August and hopes to prevent fans from seeing her show without paying.
On the first leg of their Unleashed tour, Fleetwood Mac play at the Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, Michigan.
Award-winning blues guitarist and singer Willie King dies aged 66, of a heart attack, in Old Memphis, Alabama, USA.
It is announced that three dancers on Britney Spears' Circus World Tour have been fired for drug use. That afternoon, Britney makes an unannounced visit to a group of sick children at Miami Children's Hospital before playing that evening's concert.
Malcolm Jones, guitarist with the band Runrig, is taken to hospital after collapsing at Waverley railway station in Edinburgh, Scotland. After being examined, he undergoes heart surgery.
Country music star Hank Locklin, who sold 16m records in a long and acclaimed career, dies aged 91 in Brewton, Alabama, USA. Locklin is perhaps best-remembered for his huge 1960 hit, Please Help Me, I'm Falling.
A blue plaque in honour of The Who's drummer Keith Moon is unveiled on the site of the Marquee Club in Soho, London, UK.