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On their The End World Tour, Black Sabbath play at The Gaxa Energy Pavilion, Dallas, Texas, USA, supported by Rival Sons.
On her Live 2016 Tour, Adele plays the second of two nights at The Palace Of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
On their The River Tour, Bruce Springsteen And The E Street Band play the first of two nights at Citizens Bank Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Madonna loses a legal custody battle in the State Supreme Court, New York City, USA, with her ex-husband Guy Ritchie over which of the pair should look after their son Rocco. It is decided that the boy should continue to live with his father in London, England, UK, Europe. Shortly afterwards, Madonna posts an image of herself in a black hoodie, with an image of a crown over her head and the word "bitch" scrawled across her front, on social media outlets. This is interpreted as a 'defiant' response to the court decision.
A feature in The Independent newspaper suggests that the recent closure of the popular and influential nightclub, Fabric in Islington, London, England, UK, was a "long pre-planned event" orchestrated by the local council. The official reason given had been that it was closed because of two drug-related deaths in the club.