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The Grateful Dead play at Richfield Coliseum, Richfield, Ohio, USA.
Frank Sinatra plays the second of two nights at The Greek Theatre, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Blues guitar star Joe Louis Walker plays at the Kings Hotel, Newport, South Wales, UK.
Whitesnake play at Reiðhöllin, Reykjavik, Iceland, Europe.
Madonna is honoured with the Commitment To Life Award at The Commitment To Life IV Benefit for AIDS Project (APLA) at the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles, California, USA. During the event she performs her current hit, Vogue.
On their Hot In The Shade tour, Kiss play at Center Coliseum, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Vince Welnick, former keyboardist of The Tubes, joins The Grateful Dead.
REO Speedwagon play at The Sun Dome, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA.
The boxed set Led Zeppelin, featuring 54 digitally re-mastered tracks, is released worldwide.
Bad Company and Damn Yankees play at The Starplex Amphitheatre, Houston, Texas, USA.