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Blues guitarist, singer and songwriter Bob Christopher and Genevieve Dartevelle play at The Bar Thon Hotel, Brussells, Belgium, Europe.
On a tour to promote his new album, Memphis, Boz Scaggs plays at The Florida Theater, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Tim Lambesis, singer of metalcore band As I Lay Dying, is arrested at a store in Oceanside, near San Diego, California, USA, on charges that he tried to hire an undercover detective to kill his estranged wife.
Mark Knopfler plays at The O2 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic, Europe.
Rapper Ja Rule is released from Ray Brook Federal Prison in New York State, USA, after having served nearly two years on gun and tax evasion charges. He will, however, remain under house arrest until 28 July.
Elvis Costello and Lisa Loeb attend the 'Town Hall With Burt Bacharach' live radio Q and A session at SiriusXM Studios in New York City, USA.
Eric Kitteringham, the original bass player with Irish blues-rock band Taste [led by Rory Gallagher], dies aged 66 at Marymount Hospice, Curraheen, Cork, Ireland, Europe.
Austrian House music producer, remixer and DJ Peter Rauhofer dies of the effects of a recently-diagnosed brain tumour. Based in New York City, USA, Rauhofer remixed for Depeche Mode, Madonna, Seal, Funky Green Dogs, Kylie Minogue and others. He also made use of several aliases including House Heroes and Sizequeen.
On her Diamonds World Tour, Rihanna plays at The Barclays Centre, New York City, USA.
Ramblin' Jack Elliott plays at The Cactus Cafe, Austin, Texas, USA.
On her The Mrs Carter Show World Tour Beyonce plays the first of three nights at Manchester Arena, Manchester, UK.
Madonna sells a 1921 abstract painting - Trois Femmes a la Table Rouge by Fernand Leger - for $7m at Sotheby's in New York City, USA. The money is earmarked to fund girls' education projects worldwide via her Ray Of Light Foundation.
The Goo Goo Dolls are inducted into the Guitar Center RockWalk at Guitar Center in Hollywood, California, USA.
Lady Antebellum release their fourth studio album, Golden, in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.