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The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
Bobby Rydell is screen tested at Columbia Studios, Hollywood, California for a role in the upcoming movie version of the hit stage play Bye Bye Birdie. He doesn't get the part.
The Dave Brubeck Quartet enters the UK popular albums chart with Time Further Out which will peak at No12 during a sixteen week run on the chart.
Jazz clarinettist Acker Bilk enters the Billboard Top 40 Singles Chart in the USA with Stranger On the Shore which will peak at No1 during a 15-week run on the chart.
During an Alexis Korner gig at Ealing Jazz Club, Ealing, London, England, UK, Europe, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards first hear blues guitarist Elmo Lewis, but later discover that his name is really Lewis Brian Jones. The trio will become the core of The Rolling Stones.
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The Limeliters record the Pete Seeger composition To Everything There Is A Season [aka Turn! Turn! Turn!] for RCA Victor Records in the USA. It will appear on their LP Folk Matinee.
Night Train by James Brown is released in the USA on King Records. (1962)
The Tides record Limbo Rock, Midnight Limbo, Day-O, La Paloma, Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White, Jamaica Farewell, Tequila, Caravan, Rum And Coca Cola and other tracks at Columbia Recording Studio, 804 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. The group includes guitarists Jerry Kennedy, Harold Bradley and, Kelton D 'Kelso' Herston, Boots Randolph on saxophone, Bob Moore on bass, Buddy Harman on drums, Hargus 'Pig' Robbins on piano and Ray Stevens on organ and piano.
Jazz vocalist Joanie Sommers plays the second night of a two-week season at Freddie's, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Young World by Ricky Nelson enters the Billboard Top Ten Singles chart at No8.
Young World by Ricky Nelson enters the Billboard Top Ten Singles chart at No8.
Brenda Lee and Gene Vincent play at The Granada, Walthamstow, UK.
Jazz vocalist Joanie Sommers plays the first night of a two-week season at Freddie's, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Brook Benton plays the second night in a week of shows at Roberts' Show Bar, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Stranger On the Shore by Acker Bilk, backed by The Leon Young String Chorale, enters the Billboard Top 40 Singles Chart in the USA where it will peak at No1.
Funny Way of Laughin' by Burl Ives on Decca Records enters the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart in the USA, where it will peak at No10.
The Beatles play at The Cavern Club, and at The Casbah, Liverpool, UK.
Elvis Presley flies from Los Angeles to Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, where he will shortly begin filming his next movie, Girls! Girls! Girls!
Donnie Brooks records Oh, You Beautiful Doll at Gold Star Studios, 6252 Santa Monica Boulevard, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Brenda Lee and Gene Vincent play at The Granada, Walthamstow, UK.
Jazz clarinettist Acker Bilk enters the Billboard Top 40 Singles Chart in the USA with Stranger On the Shore which will peak at No1 during a 15-week run on the chart.
A UK Silver Disc is awarded to the single Walk On By by Leroy Van Dyke.
A UK Silver Disc is awarded to the single Walk On By by Leroy Van Dyke.
Slow Twistin' by Chubby Checker [with Dee Dee Sharp] reaches No1 in the Cash Box magazine chart of the top-selling singles in the USA.
Johnny Angel by Shelley Fabares reaches No1 in the Billboard Singles Chart in the USA.
The Tides record Limbo Rock, Midnight Limbo, Day-O, La Paloma, Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White, Jamaica Farewell, Tequila, Caravan, Rum And Coca Cola and other tracks at Columbia Recording Studio, 804 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. The group includes guitarists Jerry Kennedy, Harold Bradley and, Kelton D 'Kelso' Herston, Boots Randolph on saxophone, Bob Moore on bass, Buddy Harman on drums, Hargus 'Pig' Robbins on piano and Ray Stevens on organ and piano.
Helen Shapiro, The Brook Brothers, The Four Jays, The Red Price Band, The Dale Sisters and Colin Day play at The Odeon Theatre, Halifax, UK. The show is compered by comedian Dave Allen.
Ray Charles plays the fifth night in a week of shows at The Apollo Theater, Harlem, New York City, USA, supported by Maxine Brown plus Don And Juan.
Ray Charles plays the fifth night in a week of shows at The Apollo Theater, Harlem, New York City, USA, supported by Maxine Brown plus Don And Juan.
The Tides record Limbo Rock, Midnight Limbo, Day-O, La Paloma, Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White, Jamaica Farewell, Tequila, Caravan, Rum And Coca Cola and other tracks at Columbia Recording Studio, 804 16th Avenue South, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. The group includes guitarists Jerry Kennedy, Harold Bradley and, Kelton D 'Kelso' Herston, Boots Randolph on saxophone, Bob Moore on bass, Buddy Harman on drums, Hargus 'Pig' Robbins on piano and Ray Stevens on organ and piano.
Elvis Presley flies from Los Angeles, California, USA, to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he will shortly begin filming his next movie, Girls! Girls! Girls!.