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Blues-rock combo Eric Sardinas And Big Motor release a new album, Sticks And Stones, in the United Kingdom.
On her California Dreams tour Katy Perry plays in The Arena Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico.
The Apparat Organ Quartet release their second album Polyfonia, on Crunchy Frog Records in the UK.
A man, Daniel Bedard, is arrested and charged with breaking into the home of singer Celine Dion in Laval, Quebec, Canada. While in the house he allegedly ate cakes and pastry from the fridge as well as running a warm bath for himself.
Jazz vocalist Sachal Vasandani is among the artists playing on the last day of the Detroit Jazz Festival, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Blues guitarist and singer-songwriter Buddy Whittington releases a new album, Six String Svengali, in the UK.
On her Black Star tour, Avril Lavigne plays at Yubileyny Sports Palace, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Europe.
On the European leg of his Symphonica - The Orchestral Tour, George Michael plays at the O2 Arena, Berlin, Germany.
Katy Perry and actress Shannon Woodward visit the Teotihuacan Pyramid near Mexico City, Mexico, Central America.
The Karl Demata Band releases a new album, Cross The Mountain, on Green Lizard Records in the UK.
Lindsey Buckingham releases a new album, Seeds We Sow in the UK.
Jerry Butler, The Impressions, The Chi-Lites, The Emotions and Gene Chandler take part in The Soul Train 40th Anniversary Concert, in Jay Pritzker Pavilion, Millennium Park, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Don Cornelius, founder of the long-running Soul Train tv series is the guest of honour.
Country-rock guitar picker Johnny Hiland releases a new album, All Fired Up, on Provogue Records in the UK.