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20-year-old Martin Hall performs his composition Inskription, using only vocals, tape recorders, violins, sound modulators and echo machines in the concert hall of National Danish Radio, Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe. The performance is still regarded as a highpoint in Danish avant-garde music.
On their World Piece tour, Iron Maiden play at Kingswood Music Theatre, Vaughan, Ontario, Canada.
Stevie Nicks and Joe Walsh play at Reunion Arena, Dallas, Texas, USA.
On his Midnight At The Lost And Found tour, Meat Loaf plays at Cirkus Krone, Munich, Germany, Europe.
Fastway play at The Agora, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. The show is broadcast live by WMMS-FM radio.
The Police play at The Aztec Bowl, San Diego, California, USA.
The Duke Jordan Trio is playing in Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe.