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Elvis Presley records an extra verse for the song Poor Boy, at Radio Recorders, Hollywood, California, USA. The song will appear in his film, Love Me Tender.
Chet Baker appears on the KABC-tv show Stars Of Jazz, performing Sweet Georgia Brown.
Fats Domino, Frankie Lymon And The Teenagers, The Harptones, Joe Turner, The Cleftones and The Penguins play the eighth of nine days as part of Alan Freed's Second Anniversary Rock And Roll Show at the Paramount Theatre, Brooklyn, New York City.
Fats Domino, Frankie Lymon And The Teenagers, The Harptones, Joe Turner, The Cleftones and The Penguins play the eighth of nine days as part of Alan Freed's Second Anniversary Rock And Roll Show at the Paramount Theatre, Brooklyn, New York City, USA.
The Dells record I Wanna Go Home and Movin' On, at Universal Recording, Chicago, Illinois, USA, for Vee Jay Records.