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The musical comedy Wonderful Town, starring Rosalind Russell, is playing at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 559 performances.
The Stargazers, The Kenny Baker Quartet plus Carl Barriteau And His Music play at The Empire, Kingston Upon Thames, London, England, UK, Europe.
The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company launches its 1954 jukebox models - the 1700 Series - to dealers across the USA. The range includes a 104-selection model with a new record-changing mechanism, the Wurlitzer Carousel.
Popular French singer Yves Montand completes a nineteen-month run of shows at The Etoile, Paris, France, during which he has sold nearly 200,000 tickets.
The Rudolph Wurlitzer Company launches its 1954 jukebox models - the 1700 Series - to dealers across the USA. The range includes a 104-selection model with a new record-changing mechanism, the Wurlitzer Carousel.