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The musical comedy Wonderful Town, starring Rosalind Russell, is playing at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 559 performances.
The musical comedy Wonderful Town, starring Rosalind Russell, closes at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, after a run of 559 performances.
Cara Mia by David Whitfield reaches No1 in the Popular Singles Chart in the UK.
Johnny Cash is honourably discharged from the US Air Force in Germany, Europe, with the rank of Staff Sergeant.
The Chords make their debut on the Billboard R'n'B singles chart with Sh-Boom.
Bobby Micklebourgh And His Orchestra play at The Festival Hall, East Kirkby, near Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, UK, Europe.
Little Things Mean A Lot by Kitty Kallen enters the Popular Singles Chart in the UK. It will peak at No1, during a 23-week run on the chart.