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Alison Moyet plays at L'Olympia, Paris, France, Europe, with Thrashing Doves.
On their Slippery When Wet tour, Bon Jovi play at Onondaga County War Memorial, Syracuse, New York State, USA.
Michael Samuel Kiwanuka is born in Muswell Hill, London, England, UK. He will find success as soul-oriented singer-songwriter Michael Kiwanuka.
The long-established and much-loved rock club, My Father’s Place, in Roslyn, Long Island, New York State, USA, closes with a show by Tower Of Power.
Dolly Parton opens the Dolly Parton Wellness and Rehabilitation Center of Fort Sanders Sevier Medical Center in the USA.
European singing star Dalida, plagued by depression and a chaotic love life, commits suicide in Paris, France, Europe, with an overdose of barbiturates, leaving a note which reads, "Forgive me, life has become unbearable for me...". She had first found success in 1954 with her international hit single Bambina, and eventually sold over 85m records worldwide.