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Jazz/r'n'b organist Jimmy McGriff is born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Jazz bassist Scott LaFaro, perhaps best-known for his work with Bill Evans, is born in Newark, New Jersey, USA.
Robert Scott LaFaro is born in Newark, New Jersey, USA. He will make a name for himself as double bassist Scott LaFaro, best-remembered for his work with The Bill Evans Trio.
Andy Kirk's Twelve Clouds of Joy record Cloudy and Puddin' Head Serenade for Decca Records in the USA.
The Albert Sandler Trio with Hildegarde record their version of the song Gloomy Sunday, in London, UK.
A new $150,000 dance venue, The Trocadero, opens in Sydney, Australia, with seating for 2,000 patrons. Its furnishings include scarlet carpet with a fleurs-de-lis pattern, picked out in cream, gold and black. The bandstand is described by the Sydney Morning Herald as 'shell shaped and with coloured lights presenting a constantly changing scene'. It will become a hub of Sydney nightlife for more than thirty years, with Frank Coughlan [aka The Father Of Australian Jazz'], leading the house band for most of that time.
Andy Kirk's Twelve Clouds Of Joy record Cloudy and Puddin' Head Serenade for Decca Records in the USA.
Musical revue The Show Is On, starring Beatrice Lillie and Bert Lahr, plays at The Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, where it will run for 236 performances.