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Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani enters the Billboard Hot 100 Singles Chart in the USA at No82.
Alter Bridge, Submersed and Future Leaders Of The World play at The Northern Lights Theatre, Clifton Park, New York State, USA.
Joanna Newsom plays at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, England, UK.
Tony Christie plays at The Civic Theatre, Darlington, UK.
Mark Knopfler plays at The Palacio Deportes, Madrid, Spain, Europe.
Avril Lavigne plays at Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore, Asia.
Doves play at Leeds University, Leeds, UK.
On her Diary Tour, Alicia Keys plays the second of two nights at The Chicago Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Megadeth play at Koseinenkin Hall, Tokyo, Japan, Asia.
On their Vertigo tour, U2 play the second of two nights at The Honda Center, Anaheim, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Ashlee Simpson plays at Ovens Auditorium, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
James Blunt plays at Whelan's, Dublin, Ireland, Europe.
On her Breakaway World Tour, Kelly Clarkson plays at The Civic Auditorium Music Hall, Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Josh Rouse plays at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA.
The Backstreet Boys comeback tour plays at The House Of Blues, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA.
Robert Plant plays at Warwick Students' Union, Coventry, England, UK.
Duran Duran play at The Wachovia Spectrum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Ocean Colour Scene begin a month-long UK tour at The Academy, Liverpool.
Lonely No More by Rob Thomas reaches No1 in the Canadian Top 20 Singles Chart.
A surprise party is thrown to celebrate the 40th birthday of Frank Black of Pixies fame, at the El Cid restaurant, Los Angeles, California, USA. Guests include Billy Corgan, Jack Black and P.J.Harvey.
The Bravery play at El Corazón, Seattle, WA, USA
Emmylou Harris plays at The Paramount Theater, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA.
Porcupine Tree and Anathema play at The Astoria, London, England, UK.
Alicia Keys plays the second of two nights at The Chicago Theatre, Chicago, Illinois, USA.