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Stormin' Norman and Susie play at The Club, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Can play at Alhambra, Bordeaux, France, Europe.
Rory Gallagher appears on UK tv series The Old Grey Whistle Test.
Magma play at Cinéma Opéra, Reims, France, Europe.
Frank Zappa plays at Olympen, Lund, Sweden, Europe.
The Average White Band records Tuesday Jam in Atlantic Studios, New York City, USA, but the track will not be released.
Electric Light Orchestra play at The Civic Centre, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, supported by Rush.
On their A Night At the Opera tour, Queen play at Milwaukee Auditorium, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Kristen Elise Lawrence is born in Orange County, California, USA. She will find success as organist, composer, and vocalist Kristen Lawrence, best-known for writing, producing, recording and performing her music based on Halloween history.
The Who's European tour concludes with the second of two nights at The Pavilion de Paris, Paris, France, Europe.
Status Quo play the first of three nights at The Empire, Liverpool, England, UK, Europe.
The Top Ten singles on WABC Music Radio, New York City, USA, for the week beginning on this date are as follows :

1. Theme from S.W.A.T. - Rhythm Heritage (ABC)

2. All By Myself - Eric Carmen (Arista)

3. 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover - Paul Simon (Columbia)

4. Love Machine, Part 1 - The Miracles (Tamla)

5. December, 1963 (Oh What a Night) - The 4 Seasons (Warner Brothers)

6. Breaking Up Is Hard to Do - Neil Sedaka (Rocket)

7. Take It To The Limit - The Eagles (Asylum)

8. Dream Weaver - Gary Wright (Warner Brothers)

9. I Write the Songs - Barry Manilow (Arista)

10. You Sexy Thing - Hot Chocolate (Big Tree)

The musical revue Bubbling Brown Sugar opens at the ANTA Playhouse Theater, Broadway, New York City, USA, where it will run for 766 performances.
The musical Your Arms Too Short To Box With God is presented at The Lyceum Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA. It will run on Broadway for 429 performances. The musical is based on the Biblical Book of Matthew.