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Meet The People, billed as "The All-American Hit Musical Revue" is playing at The Grand Opera House, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Anselmo Sacasas And His Royal Havana Orchestra are playing at The Colony Club, Chicago, Illinois, USA, with The Four Senators.
Victor Silvester And His Ballroom Orchestra perform live on the BBC Forces radio programme in London, England, UK.
Duke Ellington And His Orchestra play in the Panther Room at the Hotel Sherman, Chicago, Illinois, USA. The show is broadcast live on radio.
The Quintet Of The Hot Club Of France records Nuages in Paris, France, Europe, with Django Reinhardt on guitar.
Robert James McCarty Jr is born in ther USA. he will enjoy a measure of success as rockabilly/rock'n'roll vocalist Bobby Jay, recording for Imperial, Zynn, Rustone and Excello Records.
Henry Franklin is born in Los Angeles, California, USA. Nicknamed The Skipper, he will find success as a jazz double-bass player, working with Hugh Masekela, Count Basie, Stevie Wonder and many others.
Marc Savoy is born in Eunice, Louisiana, USA. he will find success as an accordion maker and player in the Cajun style.
Having just completed work on the movie Little Nellie Kelly, Judy Garland is admitted to Cedars Of Lebanon Hospital, Los Angeles, California, USA, to have her tonsils removed.
Steve O'Rourke, who will become the manager of Pink Floyd in 1968, is born in Willesden, London, England, UK.
Victor Silvester And His Ballroom Orchestra perform live on the BBC Forces radio programme in London, England, UK.
The musical revue Boys And Girls Together, with music by Sammy Fain, opens at The Broadhurst Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, where it will run for 191 performances.