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The musical Milk And Honey, with music and lyrics by Jerry Herman, is playing at The Martin Beck Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 543 performances.
The stage musical How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying, starring Rudy Vallee, is playing at the 46th Street Theater on Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 1,417 performances.
Gary 'US' Bonds, The Contours, The Impressions and Barbara Lynn play the fifth of seven nights at The Apollo Theater, Harlem, New York City, USA.
The Beatles play at The Subscription Rooms, Stroud, Gloucester, UK.
The Ron Cavendish Orchestra play at the Town Hall, Acton, West London, UK, supported by The Detours, featuring future leader of The Who, Pete Townshend.
Devil Woman by Marty Robbins reaches No1 in the Billboard Hot C + W Sides chart in the USA.
Green Onions by Booker T and the MGs enters the Billboard Top 40 Singles chart in the USA where it will peak at No3 during a 12-week run.
Sheila by Tommy Roe reaches No1 in Billboard magazine's Top 40 Singles Chart in the USA.
Sheila by Tommy Roe reaches No1 in the Billboard Top 40 Singles Chart in the USA.
Sherry by The Four Seasons enters the Billboard Top 40 Singles Chart in the USA, destined for No1.
James Hendrix of the King Kasuals buys an Ibanez Japanese electric guitar on hire purchase at Collins music store, Clarksville, Tennessee, USA. He will find international fame as a guitarist and songwriter after changing his name to Jimi Hendrix.
Devil Woman by Marty Robbins reaches No1 in the Billboard Hot C'n'W Sides Chart in the USA.
The Detours Jazz Group, featuring future leader of The Who, Pete Townshend, support The Ron Cavendish Orchestra at The Town Hall, Acton, West London, UK.
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R'n'b band The Valentinos enter the Billboard R'n'B singles chart in the USA at No8 with a bullet, on their first release Lookin' For A Love.
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Barbra Streisand releases a new album, People, in the USA on Columbia Records.
Duane Eddy continues with his eight week season at The Beachcomber Club, Wildwood, New Jersey, USA.
Punish her, the latest single by Bobby Vee, enters the Billboard Singles Chart in the USA where it will peak at No20.
Gary 'US' Bonds, The Contours, The Impressions and Barbara Lynn play the fifth of seven nights at The Apollo Theater, Harlem, New York City, USA.
The Beatles play at The Subscription Rooms, Stroud, Gloucester, UK.
Sherry by The Four Seasons enters the Billboard Top 40 Singles Chart in the USA, destined for No1.
The latest single by Bobby Vee, Punish Her, enters the Billboard Singles Chart in the USA where it will peak at No20.
Monster Mash by Bobby 'Boris' Pickett And The Crypt Kickers is the highest new entry in the Cash Box magazine chart of the best-selling pop singles in the USA, entering at No78.
Monster Mash by Bobby 'Boris' Pickett And The Crypt Kickers is the highest new entry in the Cash Box magazine chart of the best-selling pop singles in the USA, entering at No78.
R'n'b band The Valentinos enter the Billboard R'n'B singles chart in the USA at No8 with a bullet, on their first release Lookin' For A Love.
James Hendrix [Jimi Hendrix], guitarist of The King Kasuals, buys an Ibanez Japanese electric guitar on hire purchase at Collins music store, Clarksville, Tennessee, USA.
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