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Musical comedy The Toreador is presented at The Gaiety Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a run of 675 performances.
The 'musical dream play' Bluebell In Fairyland is presented at The Vaudeville Theatre, London, England, UK, during a run of 300 performances.
The musical play A Country Girl, or Town and Country, with music by Lionel Monckton and additional songs by Paul Rubens, is performed at Daly's Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a run of 729 performances.
The Empire Gaeity Co. is presenting a new Burlesque, About Town, at The Empire Theatre, Washington DC, USA.
The Metropolitan Orchestra records He Ought To Have A Tablet In The Hall Of Fame for Victor Records in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
The musical comedy Foxy Grandpa, based on a popular newspaper cartoon strip, is playing at Haverley's 14th Street Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 125 performances.
The Topsey Turvey Burlesquers are appearing at The Star Theatre, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Stage musical The Hall Of Fame is playing at The New York Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 137 performances.
"Popular soprana balladist" Dollie Rathburn Chesley, singing group The Harmony Four are among the entertainments on offer in a High Class Vaudeville show at The Grand Theatre, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Al. G. Field's Greater Minstrels play at The California Theatre, San Francisco, California, USA.
Character singer Lizzie B. Raymond, minstrel act Lew Hawkins, singing and dancing duo Lavender And Tomsom, novelty instrumentalists Mallory Bros And Brooks and banjo and Xylophone Virtuoso Musical Thor are among the performers at The Columbia Theatre, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
Banjo virtuoso Fred Stuber, vocalists The Melani Trio and dancer Papinta are among the entertainments on offer at The Orpheum, San Francisco, California, USA.
Singer Maud Beall Price, "bizarre vocalists" Les Trois Dumonds and Piccolo's Royal Lilliputians are among the entertainments on offer at Chase's Polite Vaudeville Theatre, Washington DC, USA.
The Bostonians troupe performs the musical comedy The Serenade at The Tivoli Theatre, San Francisco, California, USA.
Samba vocalist Moreira da Silva is born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
The Majestic Burlesquers plus Grace La Rue And Virginia lee And Their Musical Pickaninnies are appearing twice daily at Kernan's Theatre, Washington DC, USA.
Louis Robie's Big Show, Knickerbockers, featuring "A Bevy Of Beautiful Burlesque Belles" is playing at The Standard Theatre, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
"The fascinating musical success" The Burgomaster, whose cast of 80 features "The Famous Girley Chorus of Youth, Beauty and Grace", is playing at The Columbia Theatre, Washington DC, USA.
A Chinese Honeymoon, billed as 'The English Musical Sensation' is playing at The Casino Theatre, Broadway, New York City, USA, during a run of 364 performances.
The "musical absurdity" Twirly-Whirly is presented at Weber And Fields' Music Hall, New York City, USA, during a run of 247 performances.
Musical comedy The Girl From Kay's is playing at The Apollo Theatre, London, England, UK, Europe, during a lengthy run.
The musical comedy The Sultan Of Sulu is presented at Wallack's Theatre, New York City, USA, during a run of 192 performances.