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A British High Court action about Elton John's overseas touring costs closes in London, England, UK. At the end of the hearing, Mr Justice Ferris reserves his decision and will not announce his ruling for several weeks. In the case, Sir Elton was suing Andrew Haydon, of Elton's former management company John Reid Enterprises (JRE), and City accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), which looked after his business interests.
While recording their latest album in Wisconsin, USA, Garbage begin a law suit against their record label, Almo Sounds, alleging that their original contract specified that they could to leave the company if the chairman ever left. Label boss Jerry Moss recently departed from Almo Sounds when it was sold to the Universal Music Group, so Garbage are keen to enforce their contract.
Sonwriter John Jarrard dies aged 47, in hospital in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Although a seriously ill diabetic, the cause of Jarrard's death is reported as 'respiratory failure brought on by a drug reaction'. Jarrard's best-remembered compositions include George Strait's Blue Clear Sky, Diamond Rio's Mirror, Mirror and Tracy Lawrence's Is That a Tear?.
Noel Gallagher of Oasis and his pregnant girlfriend Nicole Appleton of All Saints arrive back in London, England, UK, after a trip to Miami, Florida, USA.