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Fact #97030


Short story:

The Rolling Stones record Route 66, Mona and Carol for Decca Records at Regent Sound Studios in London, UK.

Full article:

Keith Richards (guitarist, Rolling Stones) : When we started, there was great joy at getting a record contract, but at the same time, this sense of death, because nobody lasted more than two years in the early sixties. It didn't matter how big you were, unless you were Elvis, you were supposed to disappear at the height of your career.

Andrew Oldham (manager, Rolling Stones) : We did the first album in about 10 days. We'd decide to do a tune, but Mick wouldn't know the words, so Mick would run around to Denmark Street to Carlin Music to pick up the words to something like Can I Get a Witness?He'd come back 25 minutes later and we'd start.