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Fact #95062


Short story:

Little Diane by Dion peaks at No2 in the Canadian pop singles chart.

Full article:

Dion : That song lyrically came out of a Hank Williams idea. Again, it's just that kind of yin and yang thing, the idea of, 'Everything tells me I should be walking away from this, but there's nothing I can do. You're in my heart.' The guy's really hung up on this girl.

Musically, I was listening to horn players at The Apollo Theatre. And you know; here I am a kid, I buy a kazoo, and I thought I was gonna really wail. ln my head, I was really wailing. When I listen to it today, I laugh, 'cause I wasn't doin' much.

That particular song had a lot to do with passing the synagogue and meeting a cantor and absorbing and digesting some Jewish tradition - actually what happens in the synagogue with the cantors. There's a lot of minor chords. So that kind of got down in me, and I kind of used it.