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Fact #88751


Short story:

Bob Dylan performs the Howlin' Wolf song Smokestack Lightning on Cynthia Gooding's radio show, Folksinger's Choice, in New York City, USA.

Full article:

Bob Dylan (speaking on Folksinger's Choice) : I been playing the harmonica for a long time. I just have never had ... couldn't play 'em at the same time. I used to play the smaller Hohners. I never knew harmonica holders existed, the real kind like this. I used to go ahead and play with the coat hanger. That never really held out so good. I used to put tape around it, you know, and then it would hold out pretty good. But then there were smaller harmonicas than these, you know, they're about this far an' I used to put them in my mouth. But I, but I got bad teeth, you know, and some kind of thing back there you know. Maybe there's ... I don't know what it was, a filling or something. I don't know what it was in there but it used to magnify.
(Source : unknown)