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Fact #86821


Short story:

Mark Knopfler and his band are rehearsing in Bermondsey, London, UK, for their upcoming European tour.

Full article:

Paul Crockford [manager] : As he always does, Mark did an initial rehearsal period of a week at Music Bank in Bermondsey. That was at the start of April. They don't rehearse as intensely as you might think, purely because they are all fantastic players and they've all work with Mark over a long period, so they're familiar with most of the material. They're also involved in the recording of Privateering, so they know those songs, so the rehearsal is about how to present the new songs live, and maybe playing some of the older songs in a different way.

Then, for production rehearsals, we went up for a week to Chris Redburn's fantastic new LH2 facility, which is amazing. rn.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Audience magazine, Jun 2013)