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Fact #84341


Short story:

When Hot Chip play at King's College, London, England, UK, Europe, the audience includes Adele and Jack Penate.

Full article:

Lucy Dickins (booking agent, ITB) : I first met Adele when she came to a Hot Chip gig at King's College. Jack Penate brought her along. It was really weird because she'd had a meeting with my brother Jonathan earlier that day and I didn't know about it. Jack rang me up and asked if he could bring one of his mates to the show. He said, 'She's this fantastic female singer and she loves Hot Chip', so I said, 'Yeah, of course you can.'

She was absolutely hilarious, one of these people that stick in your head after the first time you meet them. We clicked instantly. She was bossing Jack around, making him carry her shoes. Her first words to me were 'You and me, Girl, down Romford High Street, we're going for a night out.' Towards the end of the night, I said, 'You're a singer, aren't you?' She said ,'Yeah' but she'd given her last CD to someone, and she just went up to them and said, 'Sorry, can I have that back? I really need it.'

I've still got it. It had Daydream, Hometown Glory, My Same. She was such a character, larger than life. I went home and the next day I was doing the housework and I put her CD on and it was a real 'Oh my God!' moment.

So I called Jonathan and he said, 'Yes, I know. I had a meeting with her yesterday!'

So, shortly after, she told Jonathan she wanted him as her manager and he was about to start suggesting agents when she said, 'No, I've met this girl called Lucy, and I want her to be my agent.' Jonathan said, 'Oh my god, that's my sister.'

She wasn't the kind of artist that would attract every agent. She was a little chubby sixteen year old who dressed terribly in these holey jumpers, her hair all over the place, no make-up, but she had it. She wasn't your stereotypical pop star girl, but she had the personality and the voice.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Audience magazine, February, 2013)