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Fact #81495


Short story:

The Top Ten singles being played on WABC Radio in New York City, USA, for the week beginning on this date are as follows :

1. Travelin' Man - Ricky Nelson (Imperial)

2. Barbara-Ann - The Regents (Gee)

3. Quarter to Three - U.S. Bonds (Legrand)

4. Heart and Soul - The Cleftones (Gee)

5. Stand By Me - Ben E. King (Atco)

6. Those Oldies But Goodies - Little Caesar And The Romans (Del-Fi)

7. Running Scared - Roy Orbison (Monument)

8. A Hundred Pounds of Clay - Gene McDaniels (Liberty)

9. The Boll Weevil Song - Brook Benton (Mercury)

10. Mother-In-Law - Ernie K-Doe (Minit)