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Fact #79404


Short story:

The Jaynetts release a new single, Sally Go 'Round the Roses, on Tuff Records in the USA.

Full article:

Johnnie Richardson (daughter of Jaynett Johnnie Richardson) : What happened was that Abner Spector was an electronics nut. He took the girls in the studio on a Friday, and they didn't get out of there until everybody was on the track. Anybody that came in the studio that week, he would put them on. Originally, I think he had about twenty voices on Sally.
(Source : http://www.history-of-rock.com/jaynetts.htm)

Louise Murray : I am Louise Murray one of the original girls in The Hearts and Jaynetts. I am still performing. The original girls are Lezli Valentine and Marie (Marie Hood). We recorded Sally and Dear Abbie.
(Source : http://www.songfacts.com/detail.php?id=10282)

Artie Butler (arranger) : Spector asked me to listen to [the] song... [I] decided that in its present form it did not [have potential], but I heard something in my head. He said, 'Go into a small demo studio and do what you hear,' and he would pay for it.

Sally was done on an old Ampex tape machine at 7 1/2 IPS mono. Each time when I added another element, I added a different type of reverb. Each generation seemed to add to the distinct sound of the record.
(Source : wikipedia)