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Fact #77844


Short story:

The ailing Fleetwood Mac takes on two new members, Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks.

Full article:

Stevie Nicks : I was just singing with my then-boyfriend, Lindsey, and we had nothing. No money. And I worked. He didn’t work. He furiously practised his guitar every day, all day - and I backed that up. And then we got a call from a famous guy in a famous band who said, ‘Do you wanna join our band?’ We actually went back and forth about it. ‘Well, maybe we don’t. Maybe we just want to do what we’re doing now.’ And, between January and my birthday in February, we became famous.

We got paid in cash. Two hundred dollars a week each, so I had hundred dollar bills everywhere. And, since we hadn’t spent any money in five years, we didn’t know how to spend money. And I was washing hundred dollar bills through the wash and finding them crumpled and detergented-out, and hanging them on the line with the rest of our stuff.

Lindsey Buckingham : After Stevie and I joined the group, for the next several years I had to pretty much throw out everything I was about. Stevie had a different way about her. She had the freedom to create something of her own. Being the musician, for a long time I had to play Bob Welch tunes, Peter Green tunes - people who had left the group. In a sense, I was like a lounge player in a group, which was not an easy thing. Philosophically, though, it provided me with a slow progression. It wasn't an easy progression, but it was a solid one.

Throughout Fleetwood Mac, there was always a sense of division. It was very subtle, nothing you could really put your finger on, it wasn't even all that negative, but the fact that there were three English people and two Americans meant there were cultural differences. I want to put this in the least negative way, but the cultural differences almost guaranteed that we would get to know one another as friends only to a certain point.

I'm that way anyway. I've got maybe one close friend. I keep my life as simple as possible. But a formality in the group did exist, and it probably always would have.

(Source : not known)