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Fact #75869


Short story:

The Flowerpot Men enter the UK singles chart with Let's Go To San Francisco, which will peak at No4.

Full article:

John Carter (Flowerpot Men) : We were aware of the music infiltration of the flower-power movement from reading magazines like Billboard, rather than from listening to bands ourselves, and we saw it as a chance to write in a way that reflected both the new movement and the new forms of music that were emerging. We thought of it as more than just a pop song, which is why we extended it onto side two. We thought a lot about different moods, and let the rhythms be taken by different instruments. We did it all in a couple of days at Southern Music's studio. The movement inspired us to use the hippie and psychedelic imagery to write something quite different and strong. The ideas of flowers just suggested harmonies to us.
(Source : not known)