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Fact #64805


Short story:

Official Secrets Act release their debut album, Understanding Electricity, in the UK on One Little Indian Records.

Full article:

Despite an impressive ability to craft catchy pop nuggets, this Leeds Uni quartet have a couple of problems. One is the difficulty of listening to them without thinking of other bands – Killers disco-throb and layered synths, Cure-like pop structures and Sparksian quirkiness are all over the place. The other problem is that singer Thomas Burke sounds slightly detached from his own lyrics, as if they’re drawn from his imagination rather than his experience. That said, the chimingly atmospheric Bloodsport, with its pizzicato licks and ghostly backing vocals, is perfectly formed and there are several other splendidly singalongable songs on offer. The ever-accelerating So Tomorrow, the hymn-like Momentary Sanctuary and the Eno-esque December are all keepers. If they find their own musical identity and sound a bit more convinced by what they’re singing about, they might yet take their place among the greats.
Johnny Black (review first appeared in Mojo, 2009)