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Fact #63011


Short story:

Dexy's Midnight Runners reach No1 in the UK singles chart with Geno, a homage to 60s soul star Geno Washington.

Full article:

Geno Washington : I wasn’t aware that they’d done a song about me but, when it went up the charts, all the newspapers were calling and record companies and promoters wanted to sign me up. I was studying to be a hypnotherapist and had nine months to go for my diploma. I did get my diploma, and I didn’t come to England for shows as I didn’t want my fans to think I was riding on someone else’s back. I’m thankful and I appreciate that Dexy’s Midnight Runners thought of me. Their record is great, although I don’t like the horns. I’m a Stax freak and you listen to Otis and Arthur Conley for horns. Other than that, no problem.
(Source : not known)

Kevin Rowland (Dexys Midnight Runners) : Dexys have always been a pretty visual band, we've always put a lot of effort into projecting an image, and for a long time Top Of The Pops was the only thing on TV that allowed us to get that across. Without it, it's debatable whether Geno or Come On Eileen would have been Number Ones. I remember being so nervous the first day we walked into the studios. I'd been watching the show all my life, and I couldn't believe I was actually gonna be on it. We were a very competitive band back then, to the point of ridiculousness, and I actively encouraged the rest of the group not to speak to any of the other musicians on the show. If I caught someone talking to the other guests, I'd get very stroppy indeed. Totally irrational, when I think about it now.
(Source : not known)