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Fact #60938


Short story:

Dewey Terry is born in Los Angeles, California, USA. In the 1950s, as one half of the hit-making duo Don And Dewey, he will become a rock'n'roll pioneer.

Full article:

Dewey Terry : It was just a natural thing for me to do, play piano and sing. I started out playin' boogie-woogie.

My mother had an old Victrola and lots of 78 records. I could always hear Count Basie, Duke Ellington, but what was so nice was that I could go out in my back yard where my mother raised chickens, stand up on a box and look over the chicken coops, and there was always a church caravan that came through on Sundays. You'd see a couple hundred people there, and I had the pleasure of seeing Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Mahalia Jackson, The Five Blind Boys Of Mississippi. At the time I didn't know who they were, but I knew they got down!