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Fact #53106


Short story:

UK tv show Ready Steady Go! in Studio 9, Television House, London, UK, features The Beach Boys, Martha And The Vandellas, Kim Weston, Gene Pitney, Dusty Springfield and The Fourmost.

Full article:

Billy Hatton (The Fourmost] : Keith Fordyce [co-presenter] may have been much more experienced than Cathy McGowan and Michael Aldred, but at times you didn't think so. When he interviewed The Beach Boys, he asked them if surfing was a music or a sport and they looked at each other as if to say, 'Who is this guy?' It was a difficult show to manage and the audience could be unruly. When we were singing Baby I Need Your Loving, a girl grabbed my balls. Fortunately the camera was on my face but you could see the sudden change in my expression.
(Source : not known)