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Fact #41256


Short story:

Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, is reported to be considering suing Coldplay. Stevens/Islam believes Coldplay's 2008 hit Viva La Vida borrows significantly from his 1973 song Foreigner Suite. Viva La Vida has also attracted claims of plagiarism from guitarist Joe Satriani and indie band Creaky Boards.

Full article:

Yusuf Islam : It's been blown out of proportion. One day I simply mentioned something to somebody, which some of my fans thought was obvious. But what most people missed is that I stole the same melody from myself and rewrote a whole new song for my previous album released in 2006 called, An Other Cup! The song was called Heaven/Where True Love Goes. Now, actually, that does sound more like Cold Play than Foreigner Suite. Should I sue twice?
(Source : http://www.clickliverpool.com/clocked/celeb-stories/126623-interview-music-legend-cat-stevens-.html)