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Fact #39179


Short story:

Bob Dylan plays the ABC Theatre, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Un-named reporter, Cityweek : The door of the drab dressing room was ajar. A fuzzy golliwog in a tight diamond-pattern suit stood staring at me with wide-open eyes. ‘What d’ya want?’ asked Bob Dylan. His lips hadn’t moved. The sound seemed to emit from somewhere in the inner regions of the thick, dark curls…. Eventually, he invited me inside. This wasn’t an interview, he emphasised. “We’re jest gonna have a l’il talkie’.

D.A. Pennebaker (film maker) : We had previously filmed him in England in 1965 for my Don’t Look Back film and it seemed to me that it had been a drag for him, out on his own like that. In 1966, in the second half of each show he had all these guys with him and from the minute he got out there he was enjoying himself. He was almost dancing with Robbie.