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Fact #38573


Short story:

Mary Frances Penick is born in Dry Ridge, Kentucky, USA. She will find fame as country and pop singer Skeeter Davis.

Full article:

Skeeter Davis : I was raised in Kentucky and went to school with the girl I started singing with, Betty Jack Davis. I was new in the school, having just moved to more of a city town after living in more of a country town.

One day the teacher left the room and everybody started asking her where she'd (Betty Jack) sung Saturday night. I started singing harmony with her even before I knew her, and that's how the Davis Sisters were born. We started singing in school, and then we went down to Lexington, Kentucky, and started singing with Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs down there.

When we got out of school we decided to save our money and go work for RCA, because we wanted to be on that label. So we took our first plane trip to New York City in 1953 and got signed.
(Source : not known)