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Fact #31915


Short story:

Janis Joplin and the Kozmic Blues Band play in Madison Square Garden, New York City, USA. This is their last gig together.

Full article:

Mike Jahn (reviewer, New York Times ) : At the Garden, Miss Joplin's accomplices gave a powerful and spontaneously happy display of brass blues and rock, and she let herself go in a very exciting way.

Despite some problems with the vocal amplification system early in the set, she sang lustily and loud, on such material as Bo Diddley, an old rock song, and an original blues of undetermined title written about the experiences of a hip-type in Texas.

For this she was joined by guitarist Johnny Winter, another Texan who has come to light lately. They played and sang a long duet, which grew into an informal jam session with Paul Butterfield , whose blues band shared the bill at the Garden with Miss Joplin.