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Fact #31335


Short story:

Nose-whistler Buford Threlkeld and his group record Low Down Blues for OKeh Records in St Louis, Missouri, USA. The track is issued under the name Whistler And His Jug Band.

Full article:

John Sebastian (Lovin' Spoonful) : Jug band music turns out to be the roots of an awful lot of blues-based music. It was one of the first musics that was a hybrid, because the players were learning to play for urban audiences, which were mixed. The industrial revolution helped created jug band music because there were suddenly large numbers of people getting off work at the same time. The blues singers - that up until then were playing on street corners to whoever passed by - would get together and say, 'If we go down there together, betcha we could turn a few more coins than we could working our own side of the street.'

The workingman's environment created this spontaneous audience that would show up at a given place at a given time. The players knew that if they hit lunch time when the cigarette rollers all stopped work, they could play a little bit and make a living.