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Fact #30998


Short story:

The Memphis Jug Band records Aunt Caroline Dyer Blues in Memphis, Tennessee, USA, for Victor Records.

Full article:

Will Shade (guitar/vocals, Memphis Jug Band) : Aunt Caroline Dye was a fortune-tellin' woman. See, 'Aunt Caroline Dye, she's a fortune-tellin' woman, never tol' no lie' - I made that up, my own right, my own song; nobody knowed it but me. 

She was a fortune-tellin' woman - two-headed woman. She call you, she'd fix you, so you better come; she didn't have to come to fetch you. That's the kind of woman she was; had that much power - 'fore she died. White and colored would go to her. You sick in bed, she raise the sick. Conjure, hoodoo, that's what some people say, but that's what you call it, conjure. 

Yeah, she could make a hand so you could win anybody's money. Take her hand wit' ya, win everybody's money wit' that spell. Had that much brains - smart lady. She break up all kinds of spells you had. She could have you walkin' like a hawg; any kinda which-way, she could make you walk on two legs again. 

That's the kind of woman she was. Aunt Caroline Dye, she was the worst woman in the world. Had that much sense. Seven Sisters ain't nowhere wit' Aunt Caroline Dye; she was the onliest one could break the record with the hoodoo.
(Source : not known)