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Fact #28306


Short story:

Beat Connection release a new album, The Palace Garden, on Moshi Moshi Records in the USA.

Full article:

There's something wonderfully messy and charmingly artless about Beat Connection's take on electronic pop. Named after a track by LCD Soundsystem, this Seattle-based outfit - Jordan Koplowitz and Reed Juenger - recently expanded from a duo to a quartet, and the benefits are felt throughout this album. New man Tom Eddy's guitar integrates beautifully with the fluttery synths in Sometimes Wonder, jazzy drummer Jarred Katz helps them swing just a tad, and guest vocalist Chelsey Scheffe transforms Think Feel from languidly lovely to hallucinogenically heavenly. Even the meandering instrumental, Trap House, is gorgeous despite being completely inconsequential.
(Johnny Black, Hi Fi News, 2012)