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Fact #26565


Short story:

Feeder release their eighth studio album, Generation Freakshow, in the UK.

Full article:

Whoever described Feeder as 'Britain's answer to The Foo Fighters' presumably suffered from a somewhat limited musical palette. On their eighth album, this Welsh power-rock trio has lost none of its punch, drive or penchant for swaggering guitar hooks but it's more obvious than ever that at the heart of Feeder lie eminently singable melodies worthy of classic Del Amitri and heartfelt lyrics that describe the emotions we all share but rarely have the honesty to express. From the surf-rock-inspired woo-ee-oohs on Borders to the dreamy groove of Quiet, Generation Freakshow overflows with the reasons why Feeder have become a much-loved British rock institution.
Johnny Black (review first appeared in HiFi News, 2012)