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Fact #22236


Short story:

Lady Gaga's new album Born This Way is made available on the music-streaming service Spotify five days before its official worldwide release.

Full article:

With seventeen tracks on offer, Ms Germanotta evidently hasn't run out of ideas - just interesting ones. Yes, she's a top-notch songwriter with an expressive and versatile voice but, sadly, she knows that the best bet for maintaining massive global success is to create music aimed at humanity's lowest common taste denominators, and she does it well. The sound is richly-textured but so naggingly familiar that every track sounds like something else, whether it's her Shania Twain impersonation on You And I or her Annie Lennox mannerisms on Born This Way. Gaga is touted as today's most innovative mainstream pop artist, so why does this CD feel like sitting through a bunch of failed demos for the Eurovision Song Contest?
(Johnny Black, Hi Fi News, 2011)