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Fact #21223


Short story:

When The Beatles play at Heswall Jazz Club, in the Barnston Women's Institute, Wirrall, Cheshire, UK, manager Brian Epstein has smartened up their appearance, changing their clothing from leather and denim to smart suits.

Full article:

Paul McCartney : The leather gear was a bit old hat and we decided that we looked a bit ridiculous dressed in all-leather. We got the impression some people were laughing at us and we looked like a gang of idiots. So Brian Epstein suggested we wear ordinary suits. So we got rid of the leather gear.

Bob Ellis (club manager) : With The Beatles in full flow, Epstein looked down at his wrist watch, then raised his arm to signal to The Beatles to stop playing. They had fulfilled the allotted time they had been paid for and Epstein signalled to them that their time was up.

John Lennon : We respected his views. We stopped champing at cheese rolls and jam butties on stage. We paid a lot more attention to what we were doing. Did our best to be on time. And we smartened up, in the sense that we wore suits instead of any sloppy old clothes.