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Fact #20649


Short story:

Paul And Paula release the single Hey Paula, on Philips Records in the USA.

Full article:

Paul Hildebrand (Paul of Paul And Paula) : She and I had this little, local radio program down in Brownwood, Texas, in my senior year of college. We did all these little songs in our fifteen minute radio program, every Sunday afternoon.

I had this little song I'd been playing around with and I called it Paul and Paula. I showed it to her and she didn't particularly like it, but her mother did.

So the dj who managed the radio station took the song off of our radio show and started playing it on the air, during drive time with all the other hits. The kids started calling in asking for that song. He (the dj) said "I think you oughta record that." I had a friend that I played basketball with that said " I know a guy who had a hit record and goes to our church, Major Bill Smith. He's a producer." One day, the mother picked us up and we took off down there and we foound 'em. As fate would have it, the guy that was supposed to record that day with Major Bill Smith, in Ft. Worth, did not show up and there we stood. He said "What do you have?" and we went in and recorded it, monaural.

It was first played on a radio station in November, 1962, KFJZ in Fort Worth, Texas, USA. As a mater of fact, it was in the very basement of that building that we recorded it!

Huey P. Meaux (record producer/entrepreneur) : I was at a record pressing plant and I was listening to some of the records, both sides, and I was hoping to hear some new sounds. I heard