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Fact #195700


Short story:

It is announced in British weekly pop paper Record Mirror that Donovan's next single will be entitled For John And Paul, but it will eventually appear under the title Sunshine Superman.

Full article:

Donovan : It's not a normal love song. On the face of it, the song is about being with Linda again. But sunshine is a nickname for acid. The Superman is the person capable of entering higher states because it's not easy to go into the fourth dimension and see the matrix of the universe in which everything is connected.
(Source : interview in Mojo magazine, June 2011)

Donovan : My arse was sued by Pye after Sunshine Superman so , my masterwork, sat on the shelves for seven months. If you date it, it was at least a year and a half before Sgt Pepper and I remember Mickie saying to me, 'Don't play it to McCartney' but of course everybody was sharing with everyone else and nicking from each other.

I played it to McCartney anyway. But they were already there, anyway, and George Martin was doing something similar with The Beatles, working out arrangements from ideas they had in their heads. George Martin was The Beatles' guy and John Cameron was my guy and they both had an appreciation of jazz which was key.
(Source : https://www.songfacts.com/facts/donovan/sunshine-superman)