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Fact #195264


Short story:

TV rock show Where The Action Is in the USA features Marvin Gaye (from a Southern California amusement park) performing Wonderful One and The Knickerbockers performing their only hit single, Lies.

Full article:

Beau Charles (guitarist, The Knickerbockers) : We were suddenly appearing on all these different tv shows, which was new to us since none of us had ever been on television before. We were doing two or three shows a week. Nothing seemed real and we all felt like we were dreaming.

John Charles (bassist, The Knickerbockers) : Shindig!, The Lloyd Thaxton Show, Where The Action Is, Hollywood A-Go-Go, American Bandstand and lots and lots of others. There were hundreds of rock and roll shows back in the mid-sixties, especially in Los Angeles and I think we probably appeared on almost all of them.
(Source : not known)