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Fact #194405


Short story:

When Boyzone perform live at The Vatican, Rome, Italy, Europe, their singer Ronan Keating is introduced to Pope Benedict XV1 but instead of kissing the pope's ring, Keating accidentally headbuts it.

Full article:

Ronan Keating (Boyzone) : I was at the Vatican and we had just done this performance and there's a line up to meet the Pope afterwards so we were all standing there and got told all these different protocols of what we're supposed to do.

I was so mixed up, by the time I got to him that I had no idea what to do, whether I was supposed to kiss his hand or the papal ring.

I got so confused that I just thought, 'I'll just headbut his hand'.

It was one of those awkward moments that I'll never forget, he didn't say anything, I don't know if he speaks very good English, he kind of just looked at me and moved on.
(Source : https://www.femalefirst.co.uk/entertainment/ronan-keating-reveals-headbutted-popes-hand-577535.html)

Ronan Keating (Boyzone) : When greeting the Pope I was meant to kiss the papal ring – but I head-butted his hand instead. He just laughed at me.
(Source : https://catholicherald.co.uk/ronan-keating-headbutted-pope-benedict/