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Fact #194225


Short story:

Dionne Warwick is the musical guest on today's edition of the Michael Parkinson Show on BBC-tv in the UK.

Full article:

Judd Lander (publicist) : Dionne (Warwick) was in town doing a few dates. I had garnered a host of TV and Radio requests and, being a lady of few words, she passed on them all apart from Parky - Michael Parkinson. Bea (producer of Parkinson) had called a few weeks prior saying, "Dear Judd, Michael would really love Dionne on the show" It was a no-brainer as Michael commanded a huge audience, so a big National reach for Dionne all in one go!

So, all arranged, a limo arrives at the hotel and off we all pop. On the way to TV Centre, Dionne asked about contracts and if I had received the rider (contractual document containing requests for the artist, band backline/changing room/refreshment/ beverages, etc) from her management.

Believe me, like other PRs over the years we have had to request some rather strange add ons - pink dressing room, pink lighting, special smelling candles …. (Ahhhh!). "Yes", was my answer to Dionne, but I had questioned the Rider as it seemed a little OTT. Nevertheless, I had as requested passed it by the show. A researcher called me in the limo to go over things and reassured me that all was in place and that she would meet us at BBC main reception.

As we rolled into TV Centre it was as if Royalty had just arrived, all we needed was a red carpet, Dionne loved it (and with a cheeky smile and a wink) she put my arm into her’s as we made our way through a buzzing reception to the VIP dressing room.

Michael popped in (as he always did) to say hi. He was a lovely and genuine bloke and it also helped that we had similar Northern senses of humour.

Once rehearsals were out the way, we trundled back to the dressing room, only to find three five-tier trolleys of food. "My goodness, Judd, what is all this?"

"It was what your management requested in the rider, Dionne, and one which I had questioned," It turned out that management had sent the live tour rider by error, which also catered for Dionne’s backing band and personal crew.

We had to laugh – suffice it to state that the wardrobe and the cleaners all went home with oodles of posh sandwiches, chicken wings and a host of other goodies.
(Source : Judd Lander - http://www.juddlander.co.uk/about.htm)